
A traditional New Orleans Hurricane is a fairly simple drink, and maybe my recipe is making things a little more complicated than they have to be. One might also call this a Tiki version of the Hurricane -taking a three ingredient cocktail and splitting it into six, plus two types of bitters. But you get a more interesting cocktails that's worth the extra effort.

2oz Dark Jamaican Rum
2oz Dark Rum -More Jamaican works, but if you've got other rums make use of them.
1oz Lemon Juice
1oz Lime Juice
1.5oz Passion Fruit Syrup
2 Dashes Angostura Bitters
2 Dashes Peychaud's Bitters

Combine ingredients and shake with a small amount of ice. Open pour into a Hurricane glass and fill with crushed ice. Garnish with an umbrella and any combination of cherries, lime, mint and orange slice.